June 19 – Jesus is the Genuine Savior and Help

“Trading down” to less expensive brands to buy in these days of inflation is often a choice we face. However, we can’t trade down from the SON of the MOST HIGH GOD to some lesser god or temporary savior. Even the Legion of demons knew that Jesus was in charge of them: where they would go and what they would do – for eternity!! (Luke 8:26-39) But Jesus is for our life now, and eternal life, a Savior and Help of GRACE and MERCY, in His name and under His forgiveness.

Join us hearing in God’s Word and being strengthen by Him!

Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Listen to Sermon only:Sermon_19June.mp3

Sermon Notes: June 19 Sermon Notes

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: June 19 Service Bulletin 

Listen to/Download June 19 Entire Worship Service. June19_ZionWorship.mp3


