
June 18 Sermon and Service

Matthew 9:35-10:20 records Jesus’ compassion on the crowds for “they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” He then urged prayer for laborers for the field and went on to choose His 12 apostles. Jesus meant to minister…

Trinity Sunday and June 11 Services & Sermons

U.S. Navy Chaplain Paul Rockrohr served as guest pastor on Trinity Sunday (June 4) and preached about our Triune God. The sermon on June 11 considered the call of Matthew from Matthew 9:9-13. Listen to the sermons or to the…

May 28 Pentecost Sermon & Worship

For Pentecost Sunday sermon we considered Jesus’ words: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said…

May 14 – Sunday Worship and Sermon

You are invited to listen to God’s Word and praise Him with us. Listen to the sermon only or the whole service recorded on May 14. Blessings! May 14 Recorded Service             Recorded Sermon Only May…

May 7 – Focus on the Eternal

You are invited to listen to God’s Word and praise Him with us. Listen to the sermon only or the whole service recorded on May 7. Blessings! May 7 Recorded Service             Recorded Sermon Only May…

April 30 – Good Shepherd Sunday

Join us to hear our Good Shepherd’s word and sing His praises. Recorded sermon and service from April 30. April 30 Recorded Service             Recorded Sermon Only April 30 Sunday Service Bulletin         …

April 16 & 23 Sermons and Services

Join us in learning God’s Word and praising Him! Recorded sermons and services from Sundays, April 16 and 23. April 16 Recorded Service             Recorded Sermon Only April 16 Sunday Service Bulletin         …
