May 1 – Looking to Christ Alone, Forgiven to Serve Others

Jesus’ conversation with Peter at the fish breakfast (John 21:15-19) brings a lot of points to mind. Jesus asked Peter three times – Peter denied three times. The New Testament Greek indicates that Jesus asked twice with the Greek Word  for love (root = agapaō) and then the third time with affection (root = phileō). Peter answered back each time, “You know I have affection.” Peter was grieved at the third time when Jesus used the word affection instead of love. 

A main final feature of the conversation is that Jesus called Peter to “Follow me.” Do not think of all the measurements of himself to the other disciples, or to his own expectations, but follow Jesus. (Not that Peter loves Jesus “more than these” or not — which Peter said he did Thursday night in Mark 14:26-31.) What is crucial is that Jesus called Peter, and enabled Peter to follow Him … and Jesus prophesied, and promised, that Peter would follow Jesus even to death. 

Listen to the recorded sermon or service and consider God’s Word with us!  Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Sermon Only: Sermon_May1.mp3

Sermon Notes: May 1 Sermon Notes (not available yet)

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: May 1 Service Bulletin 

Listen to/Download Entire Worship Service. May1_ZionWorship.mp3
