Zion’s Wednesday Advent I Service & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon alone is also available. 

Blessings to you! Pastor Carl Rockrohr

“In Every Age and Condition God’s People Are Preparing for Jesus” The sermon reflects on faith in the Lord in Isaiah, Matthew and Bishop Ambrose – author of the Advent Hymn “Savior of the Nation, Come.”

Sermon Only: Sermon_WedAdvent_I_2020.mp3

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: December 2, Wednesday, Service Bulletin

Listen to/Download Entire Worship Service: WedAdvent_I_2020_7pm.mp3
