Zion’s Feb 2 – 3 Activities Canceled & A Prayer at Time of Snow Storm

All activities for Wednesday and Thursday, Feb 2-3, at Zion Lutheran are cancelled due to the winter storm forecasted. KidZ Konnection on Wednesday is rescheduled for Wednesday, February 16, 5:30 pm.

Sunday, February 6, Christian Education Hour and Worship remained scheduled at this time.

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your continuous love and care throughout our lives. We thank You for healing us from injuries and illness. And we ask You to continue to bring healing to our bodies, minds and souls in all that we face. Please keep us and our loved ones safe during this storm. Help us to know and believe that for all the powers of natural forces in this life, You are still more powerful and in control of all things. Please protect our emergency workers, medical and utility workers, police, fire and rescue workers in these times of difficult and dangerous weather.

In Your Name we pray Jesus, Amen.
