
April 30 – Good Shepherd Sunday

Join us to hear our Good Shepherd’s word and sing His praises. Recorded sermon and service from April 30. April 30 Recorded Service             Recorded Sermon Only April 30 Sunday Service Bulletin         …

April 16 & 23 Sermons and Services

Join us in learning God’s Word and praising Him! Recorded sermons and services from Sundays, April 16 and 23. April 16 Recorded Service             Recorded Sermon Only April 16 Sunday Service Bulletin         …

April 9 Resurrection Sunday Sermon & Service

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!! Join us in praising God and learning His word. This Sunday’s sermon focus was on Revelation 5. John saw the praise of all creation of our Lord Jesus for His death and…

Maundy Thursday & Good Friday Sermons and Services

Join us to learn from Jesus and worship Him. Recorded from Zion’s Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. The peace of our Lord Jesus be with you. April 6 Maundy Thursday Recorded Worship         Sermon Only Maundy Thursday…

Palm Sunday 2023

For our Palm Sunday sermon we considered God’s Word from Philippians 2:5-11 and John 12:12-43. Listen to the sermon only, or to the entire service. Recorded Sermon     Sermon Notes Recorded Service  

January 1, 2023 – This Is My Father’s World

Join us as we reflect on Isaiah 9:7, the last in a sermon series on Isaiah 9:1-7. We hear God’s Word, receive His Holy Supper, sing His praises and bring our petitions to Him. 7 Of the increase of his…

“Christmas Eve” Service on December 31, 7 pm

Join us at Zion Lutheran for December 31st, 7 pm, Christmas Eve Service (postponed from December 24th). This Service is “Christmas A-Z” with children’s recitations, Christmas hymns and candle light during Silent Night.

December 25 Service and Sermon

Join us to worship the Lord with Christmas hymns, Scripture readings and sermon reflection on John 1:1-5. Listen to the entire service or just the sermon Listen to Sermon only: Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes Dec 25  Service Bulletin File: Zion…
