
March 31 Resurrection Sunday Sermon & Service

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!!  Sermon:”Living in the time of our Risen Lord Jesus” We conclude our meditations on Jesus as our LORD with the final part of the Explanation of the 2nd Article of the Creed…

Maundy Thursday & Good Friday Sermons-Services

Join us to hear God’s Word and thank Him in song and prayer. Maundy Thursday Sermon: “What is the Cost of Sin?… ‘not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death.’…

Jesus has redeemed me… (March 13)

Join us in our Lent reflection upon “Jesus has redeemed me” from the Explanation of the 2nd Article of the Creed, “who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, purchased and won me.” Wednesday, March 13    Sermon Only   …

Jesus is True Man (Feb 28) and My Lord (March 6)

Jesus is true man. Jesus is my Lord. Join us as we continue our Lent reflections (Feb 28 & March 6) using the 2nd Article of the Apostles’ Creed.  Listen to sermon only or the whole service. Link to sermon…

Ash Wednesday 2024

St. Paul taught “Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit.” What does it mean…
