11 Hymns for Meditation
Take time to meditate and sing to the Lord with us. (Clink on this sentence.) Pastor Rockrohr
Zion Lutheran Church, Ridgeville Corners, Ohio
Take time to meditate and sing to the Lord with us. (Clink on this sentence.) Pastor Rockrohr
Zion Lutheran will participate in a community-wide time of prayer at 12 noon on Sunday, March 29th. Zion Lutheran and St. Peter Lutheran Churches will both toll their tower bells at noon for a minute to call the community to…
Greetings from Ridgeville Corners, Ohio! This is the start of our website! Check back often for: Announcements about Zion, schedules, events, etc. Contact information (how to find us!) Audio/Video sermons, songs. Teaching resources of all types. Newsletters. Links to other…