
July 10-14 Family VBS at Zion, Join Us!

Zion’s Vacation Bible School will take place the evenings of July 10-14, 6:00-7:15 pm. The lessons are aimed at 1st through 6th grades but the whole family is encouraged to attend: parents, grandparents, older brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles. We…

June 19 – Jesus is the Genuine Savior and Help

“Trading down” to less expensive brands to buy in these days of inflation is often a choice we face. However, we can’t trade down from the SON of the MOST HIGH GOD to some lesser god or temporary savior. Even…

Zion Lutheran Members in Mission and Mercy Work Photos

Zion Lutheran has four members working in southeast Ohio with the charity Helping Appalachian Rural People (HARP) this week of June 12-17. They have teamed up with seven members of Trinity Lutheran Church in Clinton Township, MI.  God’s blessings and…

June 5 – “Repentance and Faith”

What a blessed day, Sunday June 5, 2022! Zion Lutheran celebrated the promised coming of the Holy Spirit as recorded in Acts 2, promised in Joel 2; a statue of “Jesus and the Children” was dedicated; the choir sang beautifully;…

May 22 & 26 Services and Sermons

On Sunday, May 22, Zion Lutheran emphasized the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces. The sermon was based on Jesus’  healing of the man waiting by the pool of Bethesda from John 5:1-8 Ascension Day, Thursday, May 26, readings from…

May 15 – The Depth of God’s Love for Us

We consider John 13:31-35, especially verses 31, 34-35. When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him… A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:…

May 8 – The Lord Is My Shepherd

Consider with us how the Lord is my Shepherd in all 4 readings assigned for May 8: Psalm 23; Acts 20:17-35; Revelation 7:9-17 and John 10:22-30. Listen to the recorded sermon or service and be strengthened by God’s Word with…

May 1 – Looking to Christ Alone, Forgiven to Serve Others

Jesus’ conversation with Peter at the fish breakfast (John 21:15-19) brings a lot of points to mind. Jesus asked Peter three times – Peter denied three times. The New Testament Greek indicates that Jesus asked twice with the Greek Word …
