Going to Church Bible Study

“Going to Church: Being with God and Brothers and Sisters in Christ”

A Bible Study to Help Prepare Minds and Hearts for Worshipping Together Again

As Christians start returning back to worship services after COVID 19 times of “Stay at Home” orders, it is good to study God’s Word to be reminded of the basics of Christian worship. Our Christian gathering is far more than being able to go back to our favorite restaurant, or hair stylist, sports or hobby store.

Christians gathering together in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in the presence of the Mighty God, Creator, Redeemer, and the life-giving Holy Spirit. God’s presence and blessings are always in a Christian’s life, but Christian worship is a time of learning, praising God and praying together – all in the presence of God and receiving the blessings of His Word and Sacraments.

I encourage every member of Zion (and others!) to take the time to read and listen along to this Bible study. Ideally all seven lessons can be studied individually before we gather together again for our first worship service on June 7th (Lord willing!). Perhaps study one lesson every two or three days up to June 7th.

Download Audio Files:    Lesson 1    Lesson 2   Lesson 3 (New!!) Lesson 4 (New!!)

Download PDF File:       Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 Combined

                                        Lesson 3 and Lesson 4 Combined (New!!)

Listen Online Lesson 3 (New!!)

Listen Online Lesson 4 (New!!)

Read Lessons 3 & 4 Online (New!!)

Going to Church Bible Study Lesson 3-4

Listen Online Lesson 1

Listen Online Lesson 2

Read Lessons 1 & 2 Online

Going to Church Lessons 1-2