October 3 – God Purifies Our Hearts and Service

All begins with God.

Christians confess that all humanity and all the universe was created by God. Our existence begins with God. 

So also God’s plan is to forgive a person’s sins through Jesus Christ, Son of God, who suffered, died and rose again to purify sinners. Humans’ purity of heart begins with God.

So also a Christian’s love and service toward other humans is not based on human will alone, but a will that has been purified by God. Human good works begin with God, and God works through His people.

This week Zion Lutheran celebrated Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Sunday, giving thanks to God for the women who have served with hearts, minds and hands to do God’s work. The LWML’s pledge states:

In fervent gratitude for the Savior’s dying love and His blood-bought gift of redemption we dedicate ourselves to Him with all that we are and have; and in obedience to His call for workers in the harvest fields, we pledge Him our willing service wherever and whenever He has need of us. We consecrate to our Savior our hands to work for Him, our feet to go on His errands, our voice to sing His praises, our lips to proclaim His redeeming love, our silver and our gold to extend His Kingdom, our will to do His will, and every power of our life to the great task of bringing the lost and the erring into eternal fellowship with Him. Amen.

Listen to the sermon only or the entire worship. 

Blessings to you! Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Sermon Only: OCt3_Sermon.mp3

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: October 3 Service Bulletin 

Listen to/Download Entire Worship Service. Oct3_ZionWorship.mp3
