Nov 28 – Advent I – Being Ready for Jesus

Are we preparing to meet Jesus, or is Jesus preparing us? Jesus taught His disciples to watch for the signs of His return. Christians need not fear signs of turmoil and trouble in the world like the world fears – instead Christians can “straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

Jesus promised His Word is stronger than heaven and earth which will pass away; His Word cannot pass away. When our Advent and Christmas preparations and celebrations help us focus on Jesus’ Word they are blessings from God to keep us in Jesus. (Luke 21:25-36)

Listen to the sermon only or the entire worship. 

Blessings to you! Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Sermon Only: Nov28_Sermon.mp3

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: November 28 Service Bulletin 

Listen to/Download Entire Worship Service. Nov28_ZionWorship.mp3



