May 22 & 26 Services and Sermons

On Sunday, May 22, Zion Lutheran emphasized the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces. The sermon was based on Jesus’  healing of the man waiting by the pool of Bethesda from John 5:1-8

Ascension Day, Thursday, May 26, readings from Ephesians 1, Luke 24 and Acts 1 were considered: “No Fear, Opened Minds, Faithful Witnesses.”

Listen to the recorded sermon or service and be strengthened by God’s Word!  Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Sunday, May 22, Sermon Only: May22_Sermon.mp3

Thursday, May 26, Sermon Only: Sermon_May26.mp3

Sermon Notes: May 22 Sermon Notes 

Sermon Notes: May 26 Sermon Notes 

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: May 22 Service Bulletin 

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: May 26 Service Bulletin 

Listen to/Download May 22 Entire Worship Service. May22_ZionWorship.mp3

Listen to/Download May 26 Entire Worship Service. May26_ZionWorship.mp3
