March 23 Wed Lent Service – Psalm 32

Psalm 32 sings of the Blessedness of living in the forgiveness of the LORD. Without the LORD we are not really living, but we are dying – without forgiveness we waste away in our sins and under His wrath. Rather than hide our sins from the LORD, He calls us to His forgiveness and then to hide in Him in the times of trouble. Thus to confess our sin, iniquities and transgression is the path to true life; the LORD protects us; and also the LORD teaches us to stay on the true path of life. We rejoice and are glad in the LORD!

Join our reflection on Psalm 32 and singing hymns on the recording of our 1 pm Lent Service of March 23.

Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Sermon Only: Sermon_March23.mp3

Sermon Notes: March 23

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: March 23 Service Bulletin 

Listen to/Download Entire Worship Service. March23_ZionWorship.mp3
