June 6, Worship and Sermon

“Perfect Judge. Perfect Love.” 

God judges perfectly. He has complete knowledge of all human sin; nothing is hidden from Him. No evil will go unpunished.

God also loves perfectly. In Jesus Christ, God wants all humans to receive forgiveness and abide in Him. No sin is more powerful than Jesus’ words of victory, “It is finished!”

June 6 was Zion’s the first day without face-coverings and social distancing! We thank Jesus for bring us through this year of pandemic precautions!

June 6 was also the day for two rites of blessing: 1) For new purple paraments for the altar, pulpit and lectern, as well as a pastor’s stole, and 2) for a blessing for a Zion member who soon embarks on a short term mission trip. 

Listen to sermon only or the entire worship service. The hymns and congregational responses are clearly recorded by the song leader.

Blessings to you! Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Sermon Only: June6_Sermon.mp3

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: June 6 Service Bulletin

Listen to/Download Entire Worship Service: June6_ZionWorship.mp3
