Jan 9 – Different People, One Savior

The Magi were led to Baby Jesus by the star and the Word of God they received in Jerusalem. The Magi were not Israelites by race or culture but God called them to know, believe in and worship the Savior, Jesus the Christ. Paul taught that the mystery of the Gospel is that God desires all to be saved through the Messiah. Human wisdom, culture, theories, governments, etc divide people. In Christ, God desires to unite all He calls to faith.

This Sunday we considered the great love of God in Christ for all people. Listen to the recorded sermon or the whole service. (A song leader speaks and sings the parts of the congregation for added clarity.)

Blessed Epiphany!  Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Sermon Only: Sermon_Jan9.mp3

Sermon Notes: Download/view 

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: January 9 Service Bulletin 

Listen to/Download Entire Worship Service. Jan9_ZionWorship.mp3
