December 24 Recorded Service & Sermon (1 pm)

Despite the snowstorm, we did hold our 1 pm service today. You are invited to listen to the entire service or just the sermon on Isaiah 9:6. Our Advent-Christmas 2022 sermons reflect upon Isaiah 9:1-7. The sermon notes give a review of some main points we have covered up to today. We plan to hold 10 am Christmas Day worship — you are invited to join us!

Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Listen to Sermon only:Sermon_Dec24_1pm_2022.mp3

Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes Dec 24 (updated)

Service Bulletin File: Zion Bulletin Dec 24 (1 pm)

Listen to/Download November 23  Entire Worship Service Dec24_ZionWorship_1pm.mp3


