May 19 Sermon & Service
Sermon and Service from May 19. Listen to recorded sermon and service from Zion Lutheran Church. God’s blessings to you as you listen to His Word! Sunday, May 19 Sermon Only Worship Service
Zion Lutheran Church, Ridgeville Corners, Ohio
Sermon and Service from May 19. Listen to recorded sermon and service from Zion Lutheran Church. God’s blessings to you as you listen to His Word! Sunday, May 19 Sermon Only Worship Service
Sermon and Service from May 12. Guest Preacher Rev. Craig Muehler, Director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Services. Listen to recorded sermon and service from Zion Lutheran Church. God’s blessings to you as you listen to His Word! Sunday,…
Sermons and Services May 5 and 9 (Ascension Day). May our Ascended Lord Jesus Christ bless your day! Listen to recorded sermons and services from Zion Lutheran Church. God’s blessings to you as you listen to His Word! Sunday, May…
“Promises from our Risen Lord Jesus” (April 14) and “Jesus’ Care for Us” (April 21). Listen and be strengthened by God’s Word! Listen to sermon only or the whole service. God’s blessings! Sunday, April 14 Sermon Only Sermon…
Join us at Zion Lutheran Church in Ridgeville Corners, Ohio on May 12 to worship God with Rev. Craig Muehler, Director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces. He will be the guest Bible class teacher at 8:45 am and…
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!! Sermon:”Living in the time of our Risen Lord Jesus” We conclude our meditations on Jesus as our LORD with the final part of the Explanation of the 2nd Article of the Creed…
Join us to hear God’s Word and thank Him in song and prayer. Maundy Thursday Sermon: “What is the Cost of Sin?… ‘not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death.’…
Join us and be strengthened in God’s Word to know and believe that our Lord Jesus Christ came not to rule as temporary earthly leader, but as our Divine King, humbly riding into Jerusalem, to save us from sin, death…
What is new covenant that God promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Join us in our meditation! Sunday, March 17 Sermon Only Sermon Notes Worship Service (only up through prayers) Bulletin
Join us in our Lent reflection upon “Jesus has redeemed me” from the Explanation of the 2nd Article of the Creed, “who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, purchased and won me.” Wednesday, March 13 Sermon Only …