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Zion’s New Year’s Eve Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s December 27 Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s Christmas Eve Meditations

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. This Christmas Eve Service was a combination of Scripture, Readings and Questions and Answers with the children and adults in the service on the meaning of Christmas…

Zion’s December 20 Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s December 13 Readings & Carols

This service has carols and three brief meditations based on the readings of the day, Isaiah 40:1-11, 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 and Matthew 11:2-11.  You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the…

Zion’s December 6 Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s Wednesday Advent I Service & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s November 29 Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s Thanksgiving Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…
