A Student Is Not Above His Teacher, Nor A Servant Above His Master
What seems like a long, long time ago, in an era far, far away from COVID-19… In the Fall of 2019 my wife conspired with members of Zion Lutheran Church…
Zion Lutheran Church, Ridgeville Corners, Ohio
What seems like a long, long time ago, in an era far, far away from COVID-19… In the Fall of 2019 my wife conspired with members of Zion Lutheran Church…
You are invited to download the audio and pdf files or listen online.The audio and written devotions are exactly the same, you can listen and read (and speak/sing along) at the same time. (27 minutes) Three hymns by Zion Lutheran…
What is Christian worship? When did it start? What does it mean we are “going back to church” now? “Going to Church” is a seven lesson Bible study focusing on the first Christian gatherings after the coming of the Holy…
A Memorial Day Program for Your Reflection Blessed and safe Memorial Day weekend to you and your family and friends! You are invited to listen to a variety of speakers and songs. The program is 16 minutes long. From your…
You are invited to download the audio and pdf files or listen online.The audio and written devotions are exactly the same, you can listen and read (and speak/sing along) at the same time. (31 minutes) Blessed Sunday to you!! Pastor Rockrohr…
You are invited to download the audio and pdf files or listen online.The audio and written devotions are exactly the same, you can listen and read (and speak/sing along) at the same time. (24 minutes) Very Blessed Ascension Day to…
You are invited to download the audio and pdf files or listen online.The audio and written devotions are exactly the same, you can listen and read (and speak/sing along) at the same time. (24 minutes) This week’s 3 minute “Morning…
Pastor Rockrohr is giving the “Morning Meditation” devotions for WONW 1280 AM in Defiance, Ohio for the week of May 11-15 and 17. They air about 7:25 am. The audio files will be added to the “Radio Devotions” under “Resources” page each…
You are invited to download the audio and pdf files or listen online.The audio and written devotions are exactly the same, you can listen and read (and speak/sing along) at the same time. (24 minutes) Very Blessed Sunday to You!! Pastor…
You are invited to download the audio and pdf files or listen online.The audio and written devotions are exactly the same, you can listen and read (and speak/sing along) at the same time. (23 minutes) Very Blessed Sunday to You!! Pastor…