

Zion’s August 16 Recorded Worship

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helped with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Norma Hogrefe Funeral August 14

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.” John 11:25-26 Norma Hogrefe’s funeral service…

Zion’s August 9 Recorded Worship

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helped with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s August 2 Service with Bulletin

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy and sermon, with the hymns by Deborah Rockrohr. (The congregation is hard to hear singing through masks!) The recorded sermon is slightly…

Homemade Ice Cream Social July 19 – 11 AM

Drive-Thru Homemade Ice Cream Social Zion Lutheran Church Ridgeville Corners, Ohio Sunday, July 19 2020     Serving from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm Menu: Hot chicken sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, relish & dip, pies, Homemade ice cream Carry-outs only. Available by driving…

Devotion for Sunday, May 31

You are invited to download the audio and pdf files or listen online.The audio and written devotions are exactly the same, you can listen and read (and speak/sing along) at the same time. (27 minutes) Three hymns by Zion Lutheran…
