

Zion’s April 11 Sunday Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s Good Friday Worship & Sermon – April 2

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Join us for Good Friday Services

Join us in person at 1 pm or 7 pm for Good Friday Service to hear God’s Word, pray, sing hymns and meditate on Jesus’ 7 Last Words from the cross. A recorded service will be posted after the 1…

Zion’s March 28, Palm Sunday Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…

Zion’s March 21 Worship & Sermon

You are invited to listen online or download the audio and pdf files. The audio is the recorded liturgy, hymns, Scripture readings, prayers and sermon. A song leader with a microphone helps with congregational singing, responses and prayers. The sermon…
