

April 3 & 6 – Sermons & Worship

“God Calls Us to Follow His Plan” – Philippians 3:4-14 (Sunday, April 3) “Psalm 31” (Wednesday, April 6) Listen to the sermons or whole services.  God’s Peace, Pastor Carl Rockrohr April 3 Sermon “God Calls Us to Follow His Plan” …

March 23 Wed Lent Service – Psalm 32

Psalm 32 sings of the Blessedness of living in the forgiveness of the LORD. Without the LORD we are not really living, but we are dying – without forgiveness we waste away in our sins and under His wrath. Rather…

March 16 Wed Lent Service – Psalm 85

Psalm 85 calls upon the LORD trusting in His forgiveness for past sins; yet more strength and salvation is needed for today and tomorrow. The LORD’s Word is needed, and His blessings of steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace. Join…
