

April 3 & 6 – Sermons & Worship

“God Calls Us to Follow His Plan” – Philippians 3:4-14 (Sunday, April 3) “Psalm 31” (Wednesday, April 6) Listen to the sermons or whole services.  God’s Peace, Pastor Carl Rockrohr April 3 Sermon “God Calls Us to Follow His Plan” …

March 23 Wed Lent Service – Psalm 32

Psalm 32 sings of the Blessedness of living in the forgiveness of the LORD. Without the LORD we are not really living, but we are dying – without forgiveness we waste away in our sins and under His wrath. Rather…

March 16 Wed Lent Service – Psalm 85

Psalm 85 calls upon the LORD trusting in His forgiveness for past sins; yet more strength and salvation is needed for today and tomorrow. The LORD’s Word is needed, and His blessings of steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace. Join…

Ash Wednesday Preaching and Worship

Listen and hear God’s Word with us for Ash Wednesday. Recorded sermon and service from 1 pm. God’s Blessings!  Pastor Carl Rockrohr _____ Ash Wednesday Sermon Only: Sermon Notes: March 2 Ash Wed Download PDF Service Bulletin File: March 2…
