August 8 “Focus on God’s Word, Not the Building” Sermon and Worship

Whether a large worship center, a small church sanctuary or meeting in a rented room – true Christian worship is about gathering around the Word of God. In Jeremiah 7 God warned the people, the Temple does not save you – amend your ways! Believe in and obey God as He teaches in His Word. Love your neighbor. In Matthew 19, after Jesus condemned the profiteering in the Temple and declared the sin of making the Temple a den of robbers… what did Jesus do? He taught, and taught, and taught. And the people “hung on his words.” Such is Christian discipleship, to focus on the Word of God.  

Listen to the sermon only or the entire worship. The hymns and congregational responses are clearly recorded by the song leader.

Blessings to you! Pastor Carl Rockrohr

Sermon Only: Sermon_8-8-21.mp3

Download PDF Service Bulletin File: August 8 Service Bulletin 

Listen to/Download Entire Worship Service. ZionWorship_8-8-21.mp3
