August 27 Sermon & Service “God Works In and Through Us”

This Sunday we considered Romans 12:1-2. Paul teaches us that by the mercies of God, He works in us everyday, that we may be transformed in our minds and do His will. As children of God our life of sanctification is to discern and do God’s will. Lutheran doctrine is quite clear on this aspect of the Christian’s life, for instance from the Formula of Concord, Epitome Article II, paragraph 18:

After the Holy Spirit has performed and accomplished this [conversion] and the will of man has been changed and renewed solely by God’s power and activity, man’s new will becomes an instrument and means of God the Holy Spirit, so that man not only lays hold on grace but also cooperates with the Holy Spirit in the works that follow.

Hear God’s Word and praise Him with us! You can listen to the sermon only or the whole service.

God’s blessings, Pastor Carl Rockrohr

August 27 Recorded Service             Recorded Sermon Only

August 27 Sunday Service Bulletin             Sermon Notes


