What seems like a long, long time ago, in an era far, far away from COVID-19…
In the Fall of 2019 my wife conspired with members of Zion Lutheran Church to plan a 30th Ordination Anniversary celebration for me on the weekend of February 14-16, 2020. All the children and grandchildren also joined the conspiracy, as well as my in-laws, and they all planned to be here in Ridgeville Corners, Ohio (RCO). I did not know at first, but found out later that all the plans were well laid in.
On February 13-15 all the children and grandchildren arrived. What a day February 15th was! A special tour of the RCO Fire Department with the grandchildren! Lunch at the 10 Pin Tap Pub/Restaurant and then 80+ guests for a delicious meal at Zion. Paul and Jim spoke. Letters of congratulations were read from District President and Circuit Visitor as well as from former professors, former congregations and even from the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana. I was even roasted. (What does a Rockrohr Christmas Tree have on it besides lots of lights, stars, angels?…. Zip ties!!) Son-in-law, Scott, led prayers. Then Paul and Scott assisted with the Sunday morning service. The gathered children, daughters-in-law, son-in-law, and girlfriend even helped by claiming their possessions out of packed barrels from the garage, having been stored for 20 years (mostly in southeast Missouri!). What a precious treat just before the CV19 came upon us!
I received many gifts and the photos above show one of them. Members asked for my confirmation verse or another favorite verse in advance. I did not know what was afoot, but I gave a passage I have pondered upon since my teenage years, from Matthew 10:24-25.
24 “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. 25 It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master.
I have always cherished teaching Scripture; and to understand Jesus Christ as my teacher, about whom I must also teach, has been a constant theme in my family life; education; and pastoral, professor and missionary ministry positions. Of course, this quote ends at “25b.” Jesus continued His teaching:
If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.
Those who are faithful to teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ, will also suffer things He suffered. We are not above Him. It is enough to somehow reflect Him, “be like Him.”
I have had many human Christian teachers whom have helped me so much in my life… and often my students also teach me. All blessings from God. Some are still working the Lord’s field in this life, and some have passed on to be with Jesus and receive His rest. They taught me Jesus so that I might also teach.
Well anyhow, members of Zion commissioned local stained glass artists, Sue and Stephen Hurst, to make the round stained glass window based on Matthew 10:24-25.
This stained glass is truly astonishingly beautiful and packed full of meaning to me. It is just right! And, today we hung it in our parsonage living room window overlooking the front lawn of Zion Lutheran.
Thank you brothers and sisters of Zion Lutheran! Deborah and I look forward to being with you in worship this Sunday, June 7.
God’s peace and protection be with you. Pastor Carl Rockrohr